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Restoration in Progress

Watch for more progress beginning in February.


Local contractor JK Greystone LLC (based in Viola, ID) will restore the Depot’s soffits using tongue-in-groove wood like the original. This project should be complete in a couple of months.

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Soffits - June 2023

We are making plans for restoration of the passengar car and caboose.

Rolling Stock Restoration

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Pullman Depot Ranked Sixth for Legislative Funding 2023-2025

The Heritage Capital Project (HCP) Advisory Panel met Tuesday, August 23, 2022, to rank a list of applications recommended to the Washington State Legislature for funding in the 2023-25 biennium. The panel recommended a grant award of $237,000 for the Whitman County Historical Society, to be used for ongoing restoration of the Northern Pacific Railway Depot in Pullman. The award comes on the heels of a similar award of $258,000 in the previous 2021-23 biennium.

Funding is awarded in the form of expense reimbursement and requires a two-thirds match, so the nearly half a million dollars of legislative appropriations require double that amount from other sources including private donations. Masonry restoration began in 2021. Subsequent efforts funded by the recent grant will include roof replacement, window restoration, electrical upgrades, and restroom accessibility improvements.

For more information:

Heritage Capital Projects: All the HCP projects for 23-25

Project Rankings:

The Pullman Depot Heritage Center worked with WSU's Integrated Design & Construction Lab to develop a virtual model of the depot allowing the public to view the historic interior and exterior features of the building.


These models and renderings, including accurate augmented reality, virtual reality, and educational points highlighted the craftsmanship of the original building, comparing modern elements to original features of the building.

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The masonry restoration on the Pullman Depot was completed by Pioneer Waterproofing, with design by Design West Architects.

Multiple sections of sandstone foundation were deteriorated. Those sections were removed, and replaced by  newly cut and shaped sandstone from a quarry that has stone with a good color match.


The Masonry work is funded through our generous donors and a grant from the Washington State Heritage Capital Project.

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Pullman Depot Heritage Center

330 N. Grand Ave, Suite H

Pullman, WA 99163




A Project of the Whitman County Historical Society

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